by Jeanni Ritchie
Dozens of excited little ones arrived at Chick-Fil-A in Alexandria for an overnighter filled with fun, food, and delightful shenanigans.
It was the sleepover of century as excited but slightly nervous parents left their babies in charge of Chick-Fil-A employees who promised to take good care of them. It was an experience not to be missed and their little ones deserved the best.
After hugging and kissing their loved ones goodbye, the parents left and the party began!
The Sleepover Shindig Gets Started
There was very little slumbering at this slumber party. Partygoers ate, climbed in take-out bags, played in the play area, danced on the tables, drank milkshakes, and ran up and down the restaurant for hours.
Tuckered out after all the good food and playing, they were rocked to sleep by Mama Cow before their parents joined them for breakfast the next morning.
Are you slightly alarmed that parents would leave their kids overnight in a restaurant? Don’t feel bad…some of these parents struggled with separation anxiety too.
It reminds me of my own library sleepover when my daughter came to hang out with me and two dozen little ones as we read books, made crafts, and played hide and seek in the stacks.
You see, nothing beats a good stuffed animal sleepover!
Chick-Fil-A is committed to the community, whether it’s parents, kids, schools, organizations, or its own employees. Check out their FB page Chick-fil-A Jackson and MacArthur for the most updated events.
Jeanni Ritchie is a contributing journalist from Central Louisiana who still keeps stuffed animals on her bed. She can be reached at