It’s the Little Things

By Jennifer DePriest

Summer often gives us the opportunity to slow down just a bit. Whether we spend time taking a vacation or working in our yard, the slower pace, I find, seems to make us more mindful of the little things. Farmers’ markets are overflowing with fresh produce that we can incorporate into our recipes. For example, I like to add fresh blueberries to everything from cookies to smoothies. Fresh flowers can be added to our homes to bring some of the sunshine inside. We can go to the lake or pool to relax with family and friends. These moments in time all add up to sweet memories that can last forever.

While we are enjoying this new season, others may be experiencing a different “season” in their lives. Sometimes this can be exciting and sometimes it can feel like life is launching lemons at us. At times it can feel like there are so many lemons that you could start a lemonade stand. So what do you do when life throws you lemons? How can we turn the not so pleasant moments into sweet opportunities?

My best friend is currently experiencing an unexpected season. She has helped me through some of the most stressful seasons in life. While there isn’t a lot I can do to help, I do know that she loves lemon cookies, so I decided to turn lemons into homemade lemon and blueberry cookies to help brighten her day. I have always found that when I do things for others, it helps me make the best of life. I always encourage others to look around and see who may need some encouragement or a helping hand. You never know what a small act of kindness might do to encourage a friend, family member, or complete stranger.

This world so needs for people to practice random acts of kindness. One of my favorite authors is Bob Goff. His passion is infectious and his words resonate deep within my soul. I think this is because I too share his passion for loving others or as he says, “Love Does”…”Everybody, Always.”

Until next month…

To learn more about Jennifer DePriest, visit her blog at She welcomes email at

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