The month of July is among our warmest of the year, and at the same time, it’s full of summer fun activities that keep us all very busy. We know at The Salon Pineville, the busy “bee” in our hive is who we love to call our “Other Mother,” Lynn Glaze. So, we think there is nobody more worthy of the spotlight at The Salon Pineville this month. Her loyalty, dedication and determination to her family, staff and friends is unheralded!
Lynn developed a passion for the beauty industry at a very young age. Her dedication to help others, a passion for the craft and an eye for detail were the driving forces with which she was naturally equipped. Her innate talents as a stylist led her down many roads in the industry and she has been rewarded with the success of obtaining the “American Dream.”
Her achievements include: owner of The Salon, Pineville; licensed cosmetologist; cosmetology instructor; licensed barber; national educator; platform artist; artistic director; regional color coordinator for JPMS; NIC member; president and founder of Louisiana Association of Professional Salons (LAPS) and founder of MPC Group.
When Lynn established MasterPeace Consulting, her objective was to help small business owners learn how to “not mix business with pleasure,” but to “mix pleasure with business.” Her growing number of clients for her business model has allowed MPC to attain its place as a top consulting firm. Lynn is quick to remind others that it’s not just about the firm’s name, it’s about its mission.
The staff and management at The Salon recognize Lynn’s burning desire to achieve, her genuine concern for the well-being of others and how much she cares about each and everyone one of them. The love and family atmosphere is another important aspect of Lynn’s daily operation process.
So, during July, The Salon takes great pride in saluting our Other Mom … the one with the big, warm heart, and thanking her for her years of dedication to the industry and the love she shares with us all! Thanks, Momma Lynn, you’re the Best!