Brought To You By Burg Ransom
As you know, here in Louisiana, February generally represents a kind of weather cusp. We’re not sure if we’ll be hot or cold, wet or dry, and we usually find ourselves doing some of all of it before this short month is over.
It’s also a time that Mother Nature showcases some of her most beautiful creations, a time of celebration. It’s a month of Love and Laughter as we also celebrate Valentine’s Day and that holiday all Louisianians look forward to each year, Mardi Gras. What better time for our state’s flora and fauna to come to the forefront, too!
Burg has outdone himself with this special month’s offerings, you’re going to love them. Do what you must, but don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a while with the beauty of our unique Louisiana through the eyes of a master! Thanks, Burg!