The Rhythm of the Season

By Ron Cook

April showers bring May flowers …
Could this seasonal analogy be extended to our possibly new thoughts about life at this time of year?

I love how we can rethink or reexamine at our lives at any time. Perhaps pondering the common, the everyday, and the repetition of life can lead us to a new understanding of the Sacred …

These are thoughts and observations I’ve pondered on the beauty of the ordinary …

This first little ditty is about my Grandson, Alliah’s, sweet friend, Olivia, who “swept” in and cleaned my youngest daughter’s home one day while I was there … enjoy …

Sweet O’

A silent wisp of sunlight,
She glides into the room,
Her silent movements without waste,
Turn dust away with broom.

The space she kisses glimmers,
Her subtle fragrance leaves,
A fresh new beauty doth she bless,
Her fairy-like presence achieves …

Thank you, Olivia, for who you are …

My son and his family saw the passing of their beloved dog, Teal, a female chocolate lab, while I was in Colorado this past February. We celebrate and enjoy them during their brief lives … let us memorialize them in their passing.

Love of a Dog

They bring you love.
They bring you life,
They bring your slippers,
In the night.

They’re always happy when you’re home,
They will spend hours with a bone.

They love our children,
Protect our house,
Most are so gentle,
No harm to a mouse.

They will stay always,
In our hearts,
But in two decades,
They depart.

We will love you always,
Your nose we’ll feel,
Whenever we are thinking,
About our darling Teal.

Thank-you for the memories,
Now may you rest in peace,
While chasing all the bunnies,
With your heavenly speed.

Dealing with the stress of work is supposed to be offset by the reprieve of the weekend … but it doesn’t always work out that way …

Each Day

Each day’s a different challenge,
Though many seem the same,
Each day comes and goes in time,
Each day knows its own pain.

Some days are like some others,
To work and home we go,
Waking early, to sleep the same,
To keep up with the dough.

Most days we make a pattern,
Its rhythm gives us peace,
It keeps us smart and moves the clock,
That helps our stresses cease.

Weekends bring a new challenge,
Designed to give us rest,
Yet many find unstructured time,
Exhausts us, zaps our zest.

So, when stress is predicted,
A plan might help that day,
A plan avoids predicted gloom,
Turning strain to play!

I’m in my seventh decade. My Life has changed many times, in many ways, in many places. At each stage, I had a choice. Sometimes, I made good choices … other times, not so much. Regardless, I always had choices …

Tying New Knots

As soon as we are conscious,
As soon as we can think,
Our life becomes a daily choice,
To live and rise,
Or sink.

We need something to grasp on,
We need something to be,
Unless we do, we drift upon,
The Melancholy Sea.

Ambition is so useful,
Energy’s the key,
Our mind and body need a way,
To carry each day’s plea.

For some it is in working,
For some it is in play,
But each of us must have a goal,
That moves us through our day.

While we are young and active,
Our lives on auto stay,
But as we age and slow our pace,
Our choices may turn grey.

When times to tie a new knot,
To make our life worthwhile,
It’s time to find another goal,
Retrieve back all our smiles.

But how do we make that transition,
When all that we’ve known as true,
Has changed, evolved, or diminished,
While age takes up the rule?

Can we stay clear and vibrant?
Can we take up new paths?
Can we embark on different ways?
That keep us from life’s wrath?

Or will we give to sadness,
And let life slip its course,
And leave our gains from the past,
Like spouses we divorce?

Therein lies the question…
Therein lies the rub…
Time to tie some new knots,
Time to stop the stub!

If you are reading this, you have tagged along all the way to the terminar, fini, finito, finishisimo … Thank you for reading. Perhaps You and I have both been enriched.

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