by Dan "Dief" Diefenderfer
Goodday Cenla!
It’s great to see all the Mardi Gras parades, balls, and other events this time of year. The Cabrini Ball is in April and the Jazz/R&B Festival on the Cane River in Natchitoches will follow.
One of our biggest events of the year is the Avoyelles Arts Council’s 4th of July Celebration. This year, they have another 4th planned, full of great entertainment, food, and family oriented fun!
When you think of it, there is so much to do right here at home. If you have not visited the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame in Natchitoches, it is well worth the trip. The Alexandria Zoo is always a treat and our museum offers an array of new exhibits.
Please get out in this beautiful weather and support our fantastic selection of resources in our area alone, not to mention the whole of the state! Check out future issues for more information on events.
Communities with breweries are a sign of contemporary, growing economies. Pineville, Natchitoches, Alexandria, Marksville, hope I’m not forgetting any, come to mind. We are all excited to see the diversity and progress around us.
Our local colleges are doing their part to bring innovative and creative programs to their campuses, again, creating change and growth.
New businesses are continually opening and our overall forecast for Cenla is “Sunny Skies and Shimmering Successes.”
It’s time to clean out the garage, prepare the gardens, and jump into Spring! Maybe some fishing, golf, tennis, soccer, camping, boating, whatever your niche may be, this is a glorious time to do it.
Keep safe, God Bless, and spread a little love around … Dief