Brought To You By ... Dan Diefenderfer and Orkke Clifton
The story of Christmas is a beautiful one and is the “reason for the season.” Something we will never forget.
However, many years ago, Santa and his joy of giving showed up and, like the Wise Men, he motivates us to participate each year in the gift-giving experience. So … let the shopping begin!
I’m a “man shopping.” Last minute, I walk into the store, go directly to what I want, pay for it, and leave. Unless I am with my wife … then, I visit several different departments and stores. I usually end up waiting in the car or heading for the shoe department, the only place in a store you find chairs.
This year, I must confess, I have been doing some early Christmas shopping. So far, I’ve been able to buy everything locally and, in the spirit of Christmas, I would ask you to do the same. Supporting our local businesses is so important to us all. Just remember, every chance you get, BUY LOCAL!
Also, please support our local churches and charities. Many churches are doing Christmas programs and special services. Some of those productions take months to put together. We are blessed with a large community of worship in our area.
Things may be a bit different this year as the economy stretches us all. Please be wise and always remember the “REASON.” Be sure to count your blessings with the gathering of families, friends, good health, welfare, and just making it through another year. These blessings are what make me look forward to the love I feel this time of year.
What a wonderful time to remember the less fortunate. When you hear the bell ringing, please reach into your pocket and give forward if you can.
The Holidays are a wonderful time of year and the perfect time to give back. My partner, Orkke, our staff, and I wish everyone in Cenla A Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!