by Ron Cook
Oops, isn’t November the eleventh month of the year? Yes, now, yet it was not always the eleventh month of the year. More later…
As I was perusing the possible themes for this offering, one topic kept coming up throughout the month: Gratitude. I found several holidays, as well as personal and general references to this theme. What is gratitude?
What does gratitude cause us to feel, and then do? What are some of the references to this theme in November? Let’s take a look …
The month of November’s root name was based on the Latin word for nine which is, “Novem.” In the original calendar of olden days, there were only ten months. Therefore, November was considered the ninth month coming just before the end of the year. When the modern calendar was finally accepted throughout the world, November became the eleventh month yet retained its Latin-derived name. The two months that were added were January and February. (Just a bit of trivia for those who enjoy factoids to insert into their Louisiana chit-chats).
The first thought that came to mind about November was that it was the month in which I was born, as well as one brother, my oldest daughter, my youngest granddaughter, my second great-grandson, a young friend who bears my birthday and my departed youngest daughter’s name, as well as two lifelong dear friends. Birthdays in each week of that month! But what does it mean to be grateful?
Gratitude seems to come from the Latin word, “Gratus,” which means thankful or pleasing. We leave a “gratis,” or a tip for service we receive at a restaurant. The amount of the “gratis” is intended to match our degree of appreciation for the service rendered. So, it seems that gratitude stems from an appreciation which causes us to be thankful. The second part of gratitude seems to be the reciprocal action we are inspired to take because of our thankfulness or gratitude. This seems to be directly linked to ancient survival skills where mankind was directly connected to those others who participated in the work needed to survive in the world.
So then, gratitude is composed of thankfulness of others, and then acts of kindness towards others. I seemed to constantly experience the kindness and gratitude of others in Louisiana, even among strangers I did not know.
The month of November has many scattered reminders of gratitude. The first day celebrates All Saints, the second day remembers All Souls. November Eleventh reminds us of the gratitude we have for all Veterans who have served the country with their lives. The third Thursday of November is set aside to give gratefulness for our many blessings we call, Thanksgiving Day. Towards the end of November, we have inserted a recognition of gratefulness for the Native American Heritage that we have in this country. Louisiana has a rich and powerful history of Native American influence.
Gratitude changes us. It turns defensiveness into acceptance. It allows grace to come into our judgments. It allows perception and judgement to be reserved. It expects goodness. Gratitude inspires us to take action towards loved ones as well as others we may not know. Random acts of kindness seem to spring from our appreciation of gratefulness.
Like the word itself says, we can become “full” of gratitude … grate-full. Interesting words from a thoughtful author; “Give and it will be given unto you — a good measure, packed down, shaken together, overflowing will be given into you lap. For whatever measure you measure out will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38)
Just a little Louisiana closing story of gratitude…
My brother is a servant in the city of Alexandria, Louisiana. A few years ago he had to have an emergency heart surgery. He was not prepared for the kind of recovery this major emergency surgery would require. Immediately his friends in Alexandria leaped to his assistance, and facilitated his complete recovery. This an example, among many, of the Louisiana sense of gratitude. He was cared for because he had cared. His measured gratitude given in his many years of service was returned to him heaped up, shaken together, packed down, and overflowing.
Be sure to find gratitude in November. It will carry on throughout your year and life.
As you say, “LA joie de vivre!”