Brought To You By CenLa Independent Insurance Brokers
You can never get the present back. Ooops, it’s now in the past. Oh, and now that moment is, too. THOUGH, there might be some opportunities to make some corrections on your past decisions when it comes to your Medicare Open Enrollment.
Give us a call today at 318-704-6200.
IF you made a change to Part C during Medicare Annual Enrollment, you can make changes during the Medicare Open Enrollment Period. If you have questions, we are here to help.
Call us at 318-704-6200 if you have any questions or need to make an appointment.
If you are turning 65 soon or know of anyone turning 65 soon, please have them give us a call. 318-704-6200
We write life insurance policies, group plans and advise on estate planning as well.
We also want you to know that we appreciate each and every one of you that we have worked with and helped in 2022! THANK YOU very much. We are grateful to be able to provide our service to you. We hope that 2023 is a great year for you!