by Pauline Reneaux
Last month I wrote about life unfolding. Over and over, you hear everyone from Rachel Hollis to Steve Harvey tell us about writing out our vision in a journal or creating a vision board for our aspirations. I even did this for one of my posts a while back. The key though is to go back to the vision board or back to that journal so that we remind ourselves of where we are heading. What I have learned along the way is that even though the timeline may change, it doesn’t mean we miss the mark, it just means that maybe our vision needs more time to unfold. Maybe we need more time to acquire the skills needed to turn our vision into a reality. Maybe with time our vision will change ever so slightly. Or maybe, just maybe, as our lives unfold, one small goal at a time, we start to see that our long lost dream/vision isn’t buried among life’s circumstances after all. Instead, we see those circumstances were merely meant to help polish the diamonds we will one day become. We all have the potential to become a beautiful diamond, but in order for that to happen we must endure pressure and trials and heartache and unexpected hurdles so we can be formed into precious jewels. Sometimes this can occur when people are still children and sometimes it may take a lifetime. Life is not a race, it’s a marathon that seems grueling at times, but goes by in a blink of an eye.
So I am laying out my vision for the race that lies ahead, giving myself permission to allow for starts and stops along the way when life dictates. My vision may not be what my friends’ vision is and it may not be social media worthy, but if it speaks to my heart and gives my soul wings, then that is all that matters. If my vision allows me to show my own kids that we’re never too old to dream, then it also becomes part of my legacy as well.
I encourage you to take some time and allow yourself to dream. You can create your vision on a piece of poster board, Pinterest or a notebook from the Dollar store. Don’t think about the cost or what seems doable in the moment. Give yourself permission to dream with childlike enthusiasm. I think you will find it helps the weight of the world seem to ease up just a bit. We can swing for the fence or we can aim for the stars. The possibilities are endless.
Until next month…
Blessings, Pauline
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