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Louisiana Christian University’s 7th Annual God in the Workplace series began this year with a guilty confession.

“My name is Kenny, and I’m a chocoholic,” announced Dr. Kenny Holt, dean of the Young School of Business—as a way of introducing this year’s speaker, Shawn Askinosie.

His addiction—shared by much of the audience by the reaction—led Holt to Askinosie Chocolate during a visit to Springfield, Missouri—and as they say, the rest is history.

Askinosie, the founder and CEO of Askinosie Chocolate, left a lucrative 20-year career as a criminal defense attorney to start the small bean-to-bar chocolate company, headquartered in Springfield, 13 years ago on a quest to find more meaning and purpose to his life.

“I loved my work until I didn’t,” he said.

Following a routine day in court, Askinosie said he starting having panic attacks and feeling like something was missing. He had spent decades defending people accused of murder and other serious crime and had never lost a jury trial, but he also was in a very high stress career field that included death threats.

“My path is not a prescription, it’s a story,” he said.

Askinosie spoke to LCU Monday night and Tuesday during Chapel.

“We were thrilled to have him share his message, which is so meaningful to today’s students,” Holt said. “Whatever you do, find a way to serve your fellow man.”

This sentiment was echoed by LCU President Dr. Rick Brewer.

“Mr. Askinosie was able to engage with Rapides business leaders, LCU students, faculty and staff about his transformation and pursuit of his passion and purpose,” Brewer said. “It was a powerful message about what it means to live your life and lead your business on mission
with God and not be driven by monetary success or external rewards.”

Askinosie’s journey to chocolate began with soul-searching and prayer—and led him to the corners of the impoverished world. He has since written a book about this journey, “Meaningful Work: A Quest to Do Great Business, Find Your Calling, and Feed Your Soul.” His daughter
Lawren, CMO of the company, co-wrote the book with him.

“God in the Workplace is me,” he said. “It’s me. It’s the changing of my heart. In my own life, I want to find God in every place. I don’t have to go 10,000 miles away to have that.”

He encouraged the audience to search their own spiritual lives to realize that finding God in your surroundings must start by looking in the mirror.

His inward journey began by volunteering to work with dying patients in a local hospital—and simply talking with and praying for them. The joy he found in doing something for which he expected nothing in return, in fact, gave him the most incredible gift.

He found joy.

“Those seconds I spent focused on someone other than me, turned into joy in doing something totally for others.”

Askinosie’s decision to start one of the first bean-to-bar chocolate businesses in the country was not easy. He joked that his wife—upon telling her of his idea—asked if he could just increase his anti-depressants to find more happiness.

Today, the couple has been married more than 37 years—and Askinosie has made 46 trips foraging for the perfect beans.

He works directly with cocoa bean farmers in Tanzania, the Philippines, the Amazon and Ecuador and shares in the profits of his company with them. Two of the four main farms he works with are owned by women.

Askinosie also invests in them and their communities—and encourages them to take ownership.

He does not put his or his company’s name on anything he does in their villages, despite the fact that he has provided more than 1 million lunches for children in the Philippines and Tanzania, helped build a preschool, and created educational programs through his Chocolate University progam.

He has taken high-schoolers from Missouri each summer for over a decade to experience the work first-hand, and they are changed by the experience.

LCU senior sports media major Brandon Brown said Askinosie was easy to relate to, and he enjoyed listening to his sotry of finding a way to balance his calling and his career while serving the Lord and other people.

“I’m encouraged by the awareness of young people today and the future of our planet,” Askinosie said. “This kind of thinking, sensitivity and compassion is going to be what saves the world.”

Young people today have more social consciousness and aren’t totally motivated by the bottom line, he said. They are not all concerned about how much money they make and being workaholics to attain it.

While Askinosie acknowledges his product is much more expensive than the top chocolate makers in this country, he prides himself on working with farmers who are allowed to find their passion to achieve their dreams, just as he has achieved his.

Askinosie Chocolate has won more than 60 international awards for quality and has been recognized by Forbes as a top small business.

The top eight chocolate manufacturers in America engage more than 1.8 million children in slave labor, allowing consumers to buy their chocolate bars in convenience and retails stores for a fraction of the cost. Still, Askinosie doesn’t dissuade people from purchasing it.

The world can’t be fixed overnight; it’s a balance, he said.

“Don’t beat yourself up over what you can’t do, but pick something and consume mindfully.”

To find their calling, he challenged students to take inventory of their talents, skill sets, what their community or world needs, and their passions.

“Pray about it, and look for intersections among them,” Askinosie said. “And to find God, sometimes we need to look to the low places. It was being in the low places that led me to the high place. Those are places of transformation.”

And the benefit has been a more joyful existence and a trade-off worth far more than the substantial cut in pay from his career change, he said.

“I eat chocolate every day for a living, and no one has threatened to kill me yet.”


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