by Leah Jackson
Dr. Steve Horton, alumnus adviser for Northwestern State University’s Kappa Sigma Fraternity chapter (Theta Mu), was awarded Alumnus Advisor of the Year for the Northern Louisiana District and also was awarded the Outstanding Alumnus Adviser Award for the national fraternity, both as part of Kappa Sigma’s 73rd Biennial Grand Conclave that was held in Nashville, Tennessee in July.
Horton, who has served the chapter as its advisor for over 25 years, is a 1984 initiate of the Theta Mu and served as its president (Grand Master) in 1987-1988. As president, he guided the chapter through losing the fraternity house to a fire and also during the period of constructing the new house on the Northwestern campus. While president, he was selected Mr. Northwestern State University by the student body. He graduated from NSU in May 1988, and from LSU in 1990 and 1998. Today he serves as executive director of the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts.
Also, the chapter’s District Grand Master, Brennan Miller, a 2016 graduate of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and a 2013 initiate of the Sigma Rho chapter, was awarded the Outstanding District Grand Master award for the national fraternity. He was also awarded a Distinguished Service Award for his work on the Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving, the fraternity’s national scholarship program that funds over $1 million annually to Kappa Sigma initiates across the United States and Canada. Miller, a resident of Baton Rouge, serves as operations manager at Brian Harris Auto Group, and is a native of Vienna, Illinois.
Kappa Sigma is the largest college social fraternity in the world with more than 200,000 living members, including over 17,000 undergraduates and more than 300 chapters and colonies throughout the United States in Canada. Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma’s International Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Virginia. Theta Mu was chartered at Northwestern State University in 1966, and today has over 1,100 initiated alumni members.

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