by Jacqueline Snow
Vivid reminders are everywhere in November … colorful, seasonal displays nudge us all month long to embrace a mindset of thankfulness. Thankfulness is more than a mindset, however. It’s even more than a feeling. Thankfulness tends to be a lifestyle. It’s a way of viewing life and a manner of reacting towards circumstances. Thankfulness seems to be experienced most profoundly during quiet, thoughtful moments. The thirty days of November are perfect for grasping thankful moments and savoring the vast variety of life’s blessings.
Journaling is one of those extra-special things we can do to immerse ourselves into any topic. Just a few moments each day is impactful. Writing about specific things we’re thankful for helps us to absorb our blessings even more deeply. Lists are helpful, too. Writing out ideas about how we can give and serve gives us a clearer path for being more fruitful with our blessings of talent and resources. Simply writing these things down is a special way of expressing our thankfulness to God. We also express thanks by giving and serving. Every random act of kindness and anonymous deed is a “thanks-giving.” It’s so amazing to realize when thankfulness has led us to the desire to give – and how giving leads us to being more fruitful – and how fruitfulness, ultimately, leads us to praise.
We all navigate our faith journey uniquely. November will play out differently for each of us. Our thankfulness should simply flow naturally from our hearts. Whether it’s writing or singing praise songs or reading Psalms, or even just saying “thank you so much, Lord” at various moments throughout each day … we’re communicating intimately with our beloved Creator. May God bless us with great joy and peace as we honor Him with heartfelt thanks and praise … now and always. Amen.