by Dan "Dief" Diefenderfer
Dear 2020,
I must say, old friend, I am happy to see you go!
Vaccines are being sent everywhere, which will enable us to start living normal lives again. Our restaurants can open, our kids can go back to school, lockdowns will stop and we will be able to move forward!
2021, here we are! We will be able to hear live music again, attend sporting events, have people over to the house, get a haircut without having our temperature taken or filling out a form but, most of all, go out with friends and family and have a good time. This will help get our communities in Cenla moving ahead full steam.
More than ever remember your local retailers and restaurant owners. They are doing their best to stay open and keep their employees working. Eat out or get food to go from a local restaurant and maybe even leave a bigger tip. Help out where you can, good deeds will always come back around. Magazine is well into our third year. We and the staff hope you follow through with all your New Year’s resolutions and we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Spread a little love around and remember our good friend, trombone player extraordinaire and former GM at KLAX-TV, John LeBoeuf. He will be missed!
Until next time …