by Elizabeth Clarke
LCU accreditation reaffirmed with no findings of noncompliance Louisiana Christian University has received full reaffirmation of accreditation with no findings of noncompliance in its regular 10-year review.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), LCU’s accrediting body, officially notified the university in December of the reaffirmation with no additional report necessary. The next reaffirmation will be in 2031.
“Reaffirmation of a university’s accreditation by its regional accreditation entity is emblematic of a Board, administration and faculty dedicated to a culture of strategic planning and assessment,” said President Rick Brewer.
“Such is clearly the case at Louisiana Christian University. It has been my experience working at SACSCOC-accredited institutions for over 35 years that the reaffirmation process strengthens and benefits the institution’s key constituents in terms of quality and academic excellence.
“I am especially grateful for the diligent efforts of our faculty particularly our Provost and VPAA Dr. Cheryl Clark for committing time and energy to ensuring the reaffirmation process was a success for the University family.”
All institutions accredited by SACSCOC are required to undergo an extensive internal and external review for reaffirmation of accreditation every ten years. Reaffirmation is a multi-year process of vigorous, intensive self-examination that involves every unit of the University in which administration, faculty, staff and students work together to demonstrate compliance with agreed-upon accreditation standards.
“LCU’s sterling outcome during its recent review is a testament to the entire institution’s commitment to quality and integrity, to excellence in academic programs and facilities, to a culture of assessment and accountability, and to exceptional student outcomes,” said Dr. Cheryl Clark, provost and VPAA and SACSCOC accreditation liaison. “Furthermore, it is our institutional report card that showcases that LCU has the resources, programs, and services in place to accomplish and sustain its mission.”
Dr. Henry Robertson, LCU’s coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness, said SACSCOC standards include a comprehensive examination of all operations of the college.
“The institutional effectiveness standards were fully met, meaning that the college is conducting through assessment of student learning outcomes for all its degree programs and the numerous services available throughout every department and office of the university,” Robertson said.
“Credit goes to the faculty and staff for their deep commitment to continuous improvement.”
In a two-stage process, an off-site committee and an on-site committee, comprised of senior-level administrators and faculty from other SACSCOC-accredited institutions, review the institution’s compliance report and its documented evidence to determine compliance with standards concerning governance, administration, faculty, educational programs, learning resources, student affairs, financial resources and physical resources standards.
“I am grateful for and proud of LCU’s dedicated accreditation team who spent countless hours of planning, preparing, and praying that led to this celebratory moment in the life of LCU,” Clark said.