Brought To You By Stephen Adams and CenLa Independent Insurance Brokers
Please hear me out, because I cannot stress this enough. It’s very important to not give out your medicare information over the phone! Time and time again, I speak with someone that gets enrolled in a plan that is not the best option for their needs.
As I always say, “If you can’t look ‘em in the eye, don’t buy!”
“But Stephen, what does that mean?”
If you are 65 and older, you are a target for these commercials that run on tv. You know the ones with the celebrities that you know from way back when. These are just celebrities that have been paid to make a commercial.
And here’s another kicker, you can only have one insurance at a time. You cannot have several different insurances because they claim to offer you something different. When you call that number and give them your Medicare number, they disenroll you from Company A and place you in Company B. When you call the other number and give them your information, they disenroll you from Company B and place you in Company C.
This is not right. They probably do not have your best interests. That’s where I am the difference. After being in this industry for 19 years, I’ve learned so much by all the things that I’ve seen. I want to make sure that you are in the right plan.
That’s why it’s very important for you to be able to come to my office and sit across from me or one of my licensed agents.
If you are unable to come to the office, we will come to see you and/or we can have a video call.
I’m a Licensed Medicare Specialist, owner of Cenla Independent Insurance Brokers and my name is Stephen Ira Adams. We make insurance simple. We are here for you to make sure you are in the plan available to you. Call us today at 318-704-6200. Learn more about our company at