By Coach Dale Brown
When we do experience failure in our jobs or in our personal lives we must not shackle ourselves with guilt because it can lead to the silent suffocation of our spirit. We become ineffective because of our unresolved guilt. Now, the lack of self-forgiveness can fester like a poison within in you and can cause anxiety, depression, illness, self-doubt and even suicide. If you want to live a truly productive life, you have to forgive yourself and quit beating yourself up with the thoughts, I should not have done that or I could have done better. To overcome any form of adversity we must understand it is not your background but your backbone that counts.
Every day in some way our courage will be tested, but remember that adversity only visits the strong but stays forever with the weak. You are the only one that can make this adversity either make you bitter or better. Always remember whatever lies behind you or what lies ahead of you is of very little importance compared to what lies within you because God never makes any junk.
We all have unlimited potential and, if we keep our feet planted in common sense and under no circumstances lose hope or give up, we will then and only then find true success and happiness. If you are fearful about your present situation or the future, take solace in the fact that the only thing more powerful than fear is the boldness of faith. Do not lose faith in yourself because faith truly can calm the stormy seas of our lives. LIFE WITHOUT FAITH IS UNBEARABLE !