ARCHIVE LIBRARY BURG RANSOM’S BEAUTY IN NATURE June 28, 202002522 As we move full on into summer, Burg has provided us with yet another wonderful group of photos reflecting the awesome beauty of nature. We know you will enjoy these! Green Lynx Spider, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Milkweed, Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge Fawn, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Tufted Titmouse, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Pond Sliders, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Great Egret, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Louisiana Black Bear cub, Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge Reddish Egret, Grand Isle, Louisiana White-tailed doe, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Female Summer Tanager, Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge Standing Cypress, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Louisiana Black Bear, Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge Mimosa blossom, Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge Burg Ransom #NOT YOUR AVERAGE HOTEL RESTAURANT! Previous Post Overcomers Next Post