by Mitzi LaSalle
Evergreen has had the pleasure of serving Mary for more than 40 years. She came to Evergreen in 1972 and has progressed from institutional living, to community home living, to now living independently in her own apartment.
Mary has worked several jobs in her 40 years with Evergreen, but thoroughly enjoys her current job at Possibilities, an Evergreen Antique Mall in Minden, LA.
Without Evergreen and your support, Mary would have a hard time finding employment. The reality is employers are oftentimes fearful of hiring an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability. Fearful of the cost, the supervision required and a potential loss of productivity.
Evergreen works with local businesses to bridge the gap between job seekers with disabilities and employers.
Evergreen contacts local businesses to help the individuals it serves get interviews. Every time one of our individuals lands a new job, an Evergreen staff member becomes their Job Coach, helping them learn their responsibilities. This coaching and training is part of Evergreen’s Supportive Employment initiative.
Over and over again, employers find Evergreen individuals to be much better employees than their counterparts without disabilities.
Thanks to you, Evergreen has been able to provide supported employment for individuals like Mary. She has been able to enjoy job satisfaction and be a contributing member of her community. With your generosity, we can continue to provide the individuals we serve with a sense of accomplishment and independence.
We can’t do this without you.

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