Brought To You By Kent House and Michael Wynne
Four tours of Kent House will be exclusively given during the month of February focusing on the experience of the enslaved people of central Louisiana and at Kent House. The tour shall include the main house and selected cabins that were used by the enslaved people as well as the marker dedicated there to the enslaved children. This tour will include for the very first time in Kent Houses’ history a night-time candlelight tour of the main house. The tours will be held on these dates and times:
Saturday, February 3rd at 1 p. m.
Saturday, February 10th at 6 p. m. (This is the candlelight tour.)
Saturday, February 17th at 1 p. m.
Saturday, February 24th at 1 p. m. (An additional night-time candlelight tour maybe added for this night. Other daytime tours during February made also be added depending upon community interest.)
Each tour is limited to 15 tour guests so advance registration is required on a first come, first serve basis. Call 318-487-5998 for registration or for more details.
This unique and once-in-a-lifetime experience will only occur during the month of February. Registration starts on February 1st at 8:30 a m.
Michael Wynne will serve as tour guide.