S is for Sara Jayne

by Pauline Reneaux

Spring is here, both literally and figuratively for me. Last month I wrote about submitting my first play to the Spectral Sisters Play Submissions. I’m sure when they came up with this year’s theme, “You’ve Got to Be Kidding,” they had no idea how appropriate this would be when it was time to submit our work. Like so many other events, the date for the 10 Minute Play Festival has been put on hold, but I will not let that put a damper on my enthusiasm.

Long before I knew anything about this unique group of actors and writers, I had planned to use this month to talk about the lead character in my books, Sara Jayne. Through my life experiences, I have learned that, when it is time to bring dreams to life, they often manifest themselves in ways that turn out to be more wonderful than we could have ever imagined. In the past year, as I have worked on my book, “finding Sara Jayne” has come to me over and over again. Writers often find their target audience when they create work, and I have done the same. I don’t think my audience is just reserved for 50 something year old women, but rather for anyone that finds themselves at a place in their life where they wake up one day, and say, “how did I get here.”

If we have learned nothing else since last month, it is how very quickly life changes. But, change, even when it is unpleasant at first, can yield incredible results when we lean in. My plan for this new way of living life, during these uncertain times, is to use my own journey to create Sara Jayne. After all, if we want people to read our work, then we have to make our work believable and relatable.

Since most of you are home now, with time on your hands, what do you wish you could change about your life, if you could go back in time? What letter to your younger you would you write? I would love to hear from you!! If you would like something really fun to do with your time, check out my friend Sarah Masci at Bracken House Branding Co. I participated in her “Mood Board Challenge” and created the branding for both my site and for a new blog I am creating for Sara Jayne. When I launch my new website, you guys will be the first to know!!

Blessings, Pauline


To learn more about Pauline Reneaux, visit her blog at She welcomes email at

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