by Dan "Dief" Diefenderfer
By now, we’re sure we don’t have to tell you that WE ♥ CENTRAL LOUISIANA … the heart of our wonderful state!
Over the last year, families and friends have become very important. We have grouped together as communities and are living safer. I have said how important this is before and it is probably more important now that we band together to support local businesses. This is the only way to sustain our local boutiques, restaurants, ma and pa stores and all the hard workers throughout Cenla. I am so encouraged that the vaccine and other precautions will enable us to fully open in the near future. We have seen our numbers drop and our area businesses begin to breathe.
Our “Irish eyes are smilin'” with St. Patty’s Day coming up this month. I will be wearing my Irish Green and you may find me in Marksville at Broken Wheel Brewery having a delicious meal or maybe some fresh oysters at the Mirror Room in the Historic Hotel Bentley. Front Street in Natchitoches also sounds like a great place to spend the afternoon! Be on the lookout for this roving photographer and ask me to take your picture!
When we can get the “go ahead,” we’ll be looking at putting together one of our famous bus tours. We can’t wait for that to happen! Until then, spread a little love!