by Dan "Dief" Diefenderfer
This is the time of year where it gets warm and fuzzy. And it’s also a month we reflect and are thankful for everything we have.
The holidays are one of my favorite times of the year, families gather, you fill your bellies and have a wonderful time. I find a sweet peace where I can put everything aside. I also look forward to the weather changes, football, and getting together with friends, old and new.
The local merchants in our area have done a great job of stocking the shelves for the coming seasons. In my travels throughout Central Louisiana, I have found so many neat places to shop, eat, and have fun.
Make sure you visit Natchitoches Christmas Lights that start in November. Don’t be shy, GEAUX to Marksville where you can’t help but pass a good time. If you’re looking for something to do in Alexandria, check out the wide array of dining and other excellent local establishments. Everybody is firing up the music again, so please check for local listings.
From Orkke, me and everyone at Digital Magazine, we thank you all for everything you do throughout the year. We KNEAUX we couldn’t do it without you!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and remember to spread a little love around while you’re at it!
All the best …