It’s a New Day …

by Pauline Reneaux

What a great time to remind ourselves that it’s a New Day. Each of us may frame that phrase a little differently. We all tiptoed into 2021 ever so carefully. But, one thing we can all agree upon, is that each day is a brand new day. A new day to move mountains. A new day to learn something new. A new day to accomplish a goal that we have had on our to-do list for years! And isn’t that exciting?

We can bake the cake. Quilt the quilt. Plant the flowers. Look for the love of our life or just love the life we have. It’s a new day, and we can dream big. By looking at how far we have come or the things we have accomplished, we can embrace where we are heading. Sometimes, trying to survive life in the middle of a pandemic can cause us to lose our focus. This is why it is so, so important we remind ourselves of what we have accomplished, and where we are heading as we journey through life.

Each new day, we can take the lessons we have learned from the past and use them to help us maneuver our journey. At the same time, we can leave behind what is not needed so that we can move forward. Life is exciting, fun, scary and hard at times, but we can all find comfort in the fact that each day is filled with the possibility of peace, hope, love and joy.

Within the past year, I have found that I treasure each new day, each conversation with my friends and family, and each hug from my kids in a more meaningful way. For me, when I open my eyes in the morning, I realize I have been given the gift of life for yet another day. I find this has made me look at things a little different. It is so easy to take the little things in life for granted, and as I reflect back to the precious moments I have with my family, I realize what a beautiful gift it is to me. When we are aware of the blessings of life and the opportunity for a new day, we are more empathetic and better equipped to bless others with our love.

Each of us have been given gifts to share with the world. We don’t have to wait for Christmas or Valentine’s Day to share them with others. When we wake up each day and treasure the life we’re given, that is the best gift we can give to ourselves, and to anyone that we meet.

Until next time…

Blessings, Pauline


To learn more about Pauline Reneaux, visit her blog at

She welcomes email at


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