by Van Roy
When owners of a downtown building in Marksville saw on Facebook that two young men were planning a peaceful protest in the wake of the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmad Aubrey, they reached out to local artist Danielle Ford to offer their window to be used for a mural that could be a backdrop for the protest. The result is a mural that is well on its way to being viewed 200,000 times with local coverage on KALB and KLAX.
The mural features a portrait of George Floyd with a field of sayings and quotes ranging from Martin Luther King, Jr. to hashtags for Be The Change, Black Lives Matter, Black and Blue Can Coexist and “We stand with our Good Cops.” It also features the names of the three who lost their lives to senseless violence that spawned this global movement and conversation.
Special Thanks to artist Danielle Ford, Jacob Ducote and Jacques and Melissa Goudeau.