by Adam Lord

Louisiana State University of Alexandria held its annual Employee Recognition Dinner to celebrate the hard work and dedication of faculty and staff.

The most prestigious recognition awarded each year is the Bolton Award for Teaching Excellence. Established in 1989, the estate of Mrs. James C. Bolton provides funds to the University for an award to recognize excellence in teaching at LSUA.

The Bolton Award for Teaching Excellence is presented annually to the full-time faculty member who best exemplifies the University’s commitment to teaching, service, and professional development. The recipient of this honor is recognized with a cash award and a plaque for his or her outstanding contributions to the University.

The Bolton Award recipient for 2021-2022 is Susan Myrick, Associate Professor of Education. Myrick served as an educator for over 40 years in various capacities. She has been the recipient of awards from both students and colleagues in professional organizations and has been a presenter at national, state, and school district conferences. Myrick is most proud of her former students who presently serve as directors in national programs, school district supervisors and principals, and mentors to aspiring teachers. 

LSUA also recognizes the recipients of seventeen endowed professorships. The professorships are established through private donations to the LSUA Foundation and matched through the Board of Regents Support Fund to establish a $100,000 professorship endowment.

The recipients of this year’s endowed professorships are:

Roy O Martin, Jr. Endowed Professorship – Rafael Romero

J.H. Johnson Endowed Professorship in Business – Dr. Robert Jones

LSUA Division of Administration Endowed Professorship – Dr. Kent Lachney

Jenkins-Mulder Endowed Professorship in Business – Beverly Alwell

Joanne Lyles White Endowed Professorship in Education – Dr. Tina Hathorn 

Joanne Lyles White Endowed Professorship in Education – Dr. Arlene Duos

Barbara Martin Endowed Professorship in Nursing – Julie Bordelon

Roy O Martin Lumber Company Endowed Professorship in Nursing – Mary Kay Sunderhaus

Frances Holt Freedman Endowed Professorship – Laurie Pittman

Roy and Vinita Martin Endowed Professorship in Math and Sciences – Dr. Christof Stumpf

Howard M. and Eloise Ferris Mulder Endowed Professorship – Dr. Purujit Gurjar

Huie Dellmon Trust Endowed Professorship in Liberal Arts & Science – Jessica Thacker

Mark Eugene Howard Endowed Professorship – Eric Alai

Carolyn Cole Saunders Endowed Professorship – Melissa LaBorde

F. Hugh Coughlin Endowed Professorship – Dr. Robert Wright

Robert Rife Saunders Endowed Professorship – Deborah Wood

Vinita Johnson Martin Endowed Professorship – Dr. Zebulon Bell

Endowed professors receive a salary stipend as well as additional funds for professional development or travel activities. Professorships are usually awarded for a two-year term.

The Staff Senate Boss of the Year award is given by direct reports to a manager who demonstrates excellence in personnel management, leadership, responsibility, and professionalism. This year’s winner is Jerri Weston, Registrar in the Office of the Registrar.

The Staff Senate Scholarship is awarded to a full-time staff member to defray the costs of achieving a degree or continuing their education. This year’s scholarship recipient is Summer Knight, Staff Accountant in the Division of Finance and Administration.

Student Choice Awards are included in this year’s program. The awardees are nominated by current LSUA students. The winners are:

Life Changing Class – Dr. Carol Corbat, Professor of Biological Sciences

Outstanding Staff Service – Hayley Bryant, Retention and Advising Specialist in the Department of Student Engagement

The Teaching Innovation Award and Grant are given to showcase and reward innovative teaching in the classroom. The winners are:

Teaching Innovation Award – Dr. Julie Gill, Professor of Kinesiology

Teaching Innovation Grant – Dr. Cheryl Bardales, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

The Outstanding Staff Service Award program began in the 1970-71 academic year as a means of recognizing and rewarding superior performance and outstanding contributions to the University by non-teaching employees. The recipient of this honor receives a plaque and cash award for his or her service to LSUA.

This year’s recipient of the Staff Outstanding Service Award is Haylee Malone, Student Life Coordinator in the Department of Student Engagement.

The Outstanding Faculty Mentor award is presented annually to the professor who has demonstrated excellence in coaching and guiding his or her students through hands-on experience to develop their own research projects. This year, the award goes to Dr. Hal Langford, Professor of Business Administration.

The Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship is given to a faculty member who exemplifies outstanding research and scholarship. This year’s winner is Dr. Prakash Ghimire, Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The Faculty Award for Outstanding Service recipient is Dr. Tanya Lueder, Assistant Professor of Computer Science.

The Outstanding Adjunct Award recipient is Dr. Krista Redmond, Adjunct Instructor of Education.

Dr. Jerry Sanson was recognized as Professor Emeritus.

The Service Above Self Award is presented by LSUA Chancellor, Dr. Paul Coreil. The award is given to an individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty throughout the past year to ensure the well-being of LSUA students. This year’s recipient is Melinda Anderson, Chief of Staff in the Office of the Chancellor and former President of the LSUA Foundation.

LSUA also honors Service Learning employees, those who have retired in the past year, as well as all employees who have 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 years of service to LSUA. 

Photo Cameron Mosely

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