Brought To You By ... Dan Diefenderfer
Christmas is over and the New Year begins … We feel like lots of good things are just in the offing with the opportunity to make this a GREAT new year, so let’s get after it!
Have you made your New Year’s resolution(s) yet? Mine are: don’t hold a grudge; be a lot kinder; spread loads of love around. I’m going to hold myself to them …
It’s time to put together a game plan for 2023. By setting your goals high and seeing them through, this could be your best year yet … it’s a simple thing to do … just GEAUX FOR IT :)!
January is also a good time to think intently about your health, after all, it’s just about the most important thing for you to consider when making life choices. Hope you give it as much consideration as it deserves (when you get a bit older, you’ll know why I mention this!).
Our local restaurants and retailers are open for business and would love to see you. Please remember to look for “it” locally rather than going online to find whatever you need, you may be surprised, and what a fantastic way to get to know your locals and your community.
All of our local universities have incredible sports programs, and would love your support. Please seek them out! It’s a perfect way to spend time and get involved.
With the new year upon us already, be prepared in case it begins to fly by like last year. Please always find time for family and friends and enjoy 2023 to its fullest. And while you’re at it, spread that love around.
Have a magical year …