by Jared Humphers
Individualism is definitely valuable. We all have a personality, set of skills, thought processes, and more that are unique to us, and being able to think and provide for yourself is an important skill to have.
But individualism can have its downsides. The introverted part of me likes to spend time by myself to recharge and relax, but sometimes I take that a bit too far and accidentally “quarantine” myself.
One thing I’ve learned through this pandemic is how important it is to be involved with others and in the community!
It’s fine to do things by yourself, but accomplishing things – or just relaxing – with others is a
different experience.
There’s just something unique about enjoying an experience with someone else. There’s also something about having someone who will be there for you during the harder times, as well.
We all experience loneliness, anxiety, depression, fear and more to some extent at times. And sometimes, we’ve put these feelings in a bottle for whatever reason:
uncertainty about how it will be received
past experiences with being honest with others and it not going well
And that’s led to these feelings growing, sometimes leading to other negative feelings.
And, unfortunately, sometimes, to that person trying to take their own life.
But can I hopefully help you feel a bit better?
The truth is, we were never meant to be alone or do everything by ourselves.
When humanity was first created, there was one person: Adam. It was just him and God, which
seems like a pretty good setup.
But because God knows that we get lonely sometimes, He created another person — Eve — to
help Adam during his life … just like we are created to help each other.
Independence should be balanced with inter dependence.
I don’t believe Eve was created as a replacement of God, but as a physical, human representation of Himself … an image of God. A person that could be the hands, feet, and mouthpiece of Him — these are friends, family members, psychiatrists, counselors, musicians, and many more.
We can’t be strong all the time; it’s natural to feel tired and weak sometimes because life does
tire us out- Christians aren’t exempt from it, either.
But, that’s where Jesus comes in.
“…My strength is made perfect [i.e. is most effective] in weakness…” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
I think weakness is sometimes seen as a reflection of the person’s value– I’m no psychologist,
but that’s rarely the case.
Asking God and others for help doesn’t mean you’re a failure, broken, or a burden on others.
It just means you’re human.
Sometimes, we just need a little help, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Is school tough now?
Talk it out with someone. Are you stressed about a project? Ask for some help. Having a difficult
time breaking a habit? Ask someone you trust to be an accountability partner.
You won’t be the first person to ask, or the last!
We’re a team. We help each other. Feel free to DM me on social media and never feel like you’re bothering me, because you aren’t. You can also call 1-800-273-8255 to speak with someone who can help, or just listen. It may sound clichê, but I’m sincerely thankful you’re a part of this community we’re building.
Let’s stay alert and help each other. We all need each other.