by Jennifer DePriest
Here we are, in the middle of our new norm. As I watched people begin to stock up on toilet paper, a buying trend that is still puzzling, I decided to be different. I decided to buy some flowers. They weren’t a necessity. Not like dried beans, or rice, or laundry soap. But for me, I viewed this purchase from several different angles. They symbolized peace. The blooms reminded me of hope. Think about it for a minute, especially those of us who have purchased seeds and plants in the midst of all of this. Plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables, all start off as seeds, in the ground, covered in dirt. When we plant things, we never look at the seeds and shed tears out of fear for what they are going through at the time. When we place the seeds in the ground, we don’t cry for them, because we know that they are going to rise. They are going to bless us with flowers, fruits and vegetables. We plant things in different seasons. This time is a new season for us all. It may not be a season we find in the Farmer’s Almanac, but nevertheless, we are in a new season.
So, as you read this, I want you to stop for a minute and think about what you want to grow in your life during this new season. Think about the time at home from the perspective of being a seed that is planted in the ground. When we emerge from our time away from the world, what do you want the world to see? What fruit will you produce in this season?
I am blessed that I can work from home. I am also using this time to work on goals and projects that I have put off or have been too busy to do for way too long. I have also set up an email address where people can send notes about this process in their own lives, Who knows, I may have a neat book to share with the world when we emerge from this season of our lives. At the very least we will have lessons that we can pass along to our kids and grandkids.
So, here, in the middle of my new norm, I bought flowers. I baked for my best friend. And I have planted myself at home, excited to see what new aspects of my life will bloom from this time. I would love to hear from you and see what you hope comes from this time.
Take care my friends.
To learn more about Jennifer DePriest, visit her blog at She welcomes email at