By Ron and Roger Cook
All of life is connected…life vibrates around us everywhere. We don’t need to see life differently…we need to SEE life with new eyes. Yogi Berra once said, “It’s amazing what you see…when you look.”
Join us now as my brother, Roger, presents a new view of a common subject, and I add a poetic thought for you to consider…
The Table
“We set the table of our lives,
With flowers and with light.
It helps us recognize the truth,
That darkness we must fight.”
Your Eyes
“I’ve looked into your eyes before,
They cannot tell a lie,
The portals of your soul lay bare,
For all the world to spy.
So tell the truth do not deceive,
While spinning what you say,
Your eyes will give away your thoughts,
And only you betray.”
Sons and Daughters
“I am a gypsy father,
My son and daughters say,
The shadow that my life has cast,
Precedes them on their way.
Yet still I follow closely,
Their paths alone they know,
That I might find the light they hold,
And help them as they grow.
The Key
“I felt you were the reason,
I thought you caused the pain,
But now I know my heart is mine,
I hold the key to chains!”