by Jennifer DePriest

I could try and blame COVID-19 for my irregular sleep schedule, however, truth be told, I have been waking up in the wee hours of the morning for years. Some writers wrestle with writer’s block, but I am blessed to have the words come to me often like an outside water faucet a kid leaves on in the summer. All writers will tell you when the words come, you have to write … even if it is the wee hours of the morning. Writers are also known for saying it is those words we find in the middle of the night or at the dawning of a new day that are the ones we have to edit the least. I find this both beautiful and exciting. It’s like each new day brings forth meaning hidden deep within our souls. Meaning and truth and wisdom that wants to spring forth before the first rooster crows. I’m certain I must have driven my mom nuts as a kid, being an exuberant morning person, and she being just the opposite. Maybe I have just reached that age where I see how quickly life passes, and I want to hold onto every minute, every second I am given.

I wrote last month about Bob Goff’s new book, Dream Big, and I think his energy is infectious. He is known for speaking life into everyone he meets, and I think that is why I embrace my early morning writing encounters. An incredible transformation starts to take place when you have someone speak life into your hopes and dreams. It’s not that we need validation in order to turn our dreams into a reality, but when God brings people into your life that also see your vision and want to come along on your journey, it makes every minute, every second that much more exciting.

During my summer break, I have read a lot. Bob introduced me to another author, Donald Miller, best known for his book, Building a Story Brand. I love to research authors and it was through my inquiry that I discovered his other books, namely, Scary Close and A Million Miles. His transparent journey allowed me to take Bob’s enthusiasm and add even more depth and meaning to my own work.

While these unprecedented times may have been unfortunate for some, I am blessed to have found exponential growth in my life as a result of the books I have had time to read and the online seminars I have had the opportunity to attend. I savor each minute because it brings meaning to my walk through life that I think I could best describe in this fashion. For thirteen years, I lived around the world before returning to Central Louisiana. Families would often send care packages of spices to us overseas, as this was long before products that line our shelves here in Louisiana could be found there and vice versa. So this time for me is like discovering incredible depth and meaning that is healing and inspiring. It is allowing me to add flavor to my work, taking my time so the final product can marinate and be brought into the world at just the right time.

So, in the wee hours of the morning, though the humidity feels like a weight upon me, I can observe the dawning of a new day from inside and lean in to discovering the meaning of this life I have been given through my minutes of careful reflection and fueled by a great cup of Community coffee. I hope you, too, can use this time to find meaning in the minutes of this life that you have been given. Until next month, take care, my friends.




To learn more about Jennifer DePriest, visit her blog at She welcomes email at

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